
Show download windows after adding
Activate this option to pop up the download window immediately after a download has been added.

Always on top
Select this option to set all download windows always on top.

Use Windows XP Style Menus and Toolbars
Select this option if you want LeechGet to have a modern XP style. Please be aware that, on slower systems, this might slow down LeechGet a little bit.

LeechGet supports transparency effect under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Select this option to make all download windows or the Drop Place semi-transparent. You can as well adjust the transparency level. Only available if you're running Windows 2000 or Windows XP. 

Use Tray Icons
Shows tray icons next to the system clock that indicate the download status. You can adjust how many icons shall be shown in the task tray area below this box.

Use Tray Ballons
Shows ballons in Windows Me/2000/XP to indicate the download status. Tray Ballons are little hints that come up next to the download's tray icon when you start the download, when errors occur or when the download has been finished.

Show only active downloads as tray icon
Select this option and LeechGet will only show downloads in the tray area that are currently transferring data.

Number of Tray Icons
Select how many Tray Icons LeechGet is supposed to show in the Task Tray area.